MScR Sound Design (2022)

"Is Everything Gonna B Ok?"
Project Overview
In my 2022 MScR Sound Design Project, I am exploring a new live music performance practice with video game elements. The project is set up with Ableton Live, Max MSP, Unity and Oculus Quest. Through this project, I am paving the way for completely new and never-before-used music live performance technologies. All the music is written and produced by myself. Additionally, I am also coding the entire visual aspect in Unity (C#).

Hopefully, "Is Everything Gonna B Ok?" will be coming to the Edinburgh Fringe 2022 (TBC).
"Is Everthing Gonna B Ok?"
A 45-min audio-visual show and interactive music expereince
September 2021 - August 2022
If you would like to stay up-to-date with how my work is progressing, you can follow my WordPress Blog for semi-regular posts. As of March 2022, I have completed writing and producing the music for this piece and have written the majority of the underlying game code.
Click Here For Project Updates!